M.Sc. in Cybersecurity

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The M.Sc. in Cyber-security aims to prepare candidates with undergraduate degrees in IT disciplines for responsible leadership roles in the technology-based and information-based workplaces. The program offers an advanced level of learning by providing a thorough understanding of the theories, concepts and techniques for the design, development and effective use of secure information systems. Graduates of this program are then capable of looking at an organization from end-to-end and understanding its security needs, then designing the security and governance architecture that will satisfy its cyber-security requirements. Adapting to change in the field and of leading with innovation and agility in solving community IT security challenges using the most effective tools and countermeasures.

College of IT Booklet
College of IT Booklet
PDF, 1.8 MB , 42 Pages


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  1. Competent and effective: the knowledge and leadership skills to be a successful information and cyber security professional.
  2. Learn for life and innovate: the ability to adapt to change and tackle cyber-security incidents using advanced research and innovation.
  3. Ethics and professionalism: ability to act within the field and the community with a sense of responsibility, professionalism, and ethical integrity.


  1. Understand the concepts, principles and theories relating to computer, network, and cyber-security.
  2. Understand theory, practice and tools for the design, implementation and evaluation of secure computer systems.
  3. Understand the theory, practice, and processes for the management and governance of cyber security within the organization.
  4. Understand the legal, privacy, and ethical responsibilities of software and information providers in the cyber-world.
  5. Apply professional knowledge and advanced practices in the analysis and solution of cyber-security challenges.
  6. Analyze challenging security problems, and identify and define the requirements appropriate for their solutions that meet appropriate standards and realistic constraints.
  7. Evaluate internet-based software systems and security solutions, and discover risk, vulnerabilities, and counter-measures for mitigating these risks.
  8. Work with teams and independently on a substantial software/network security project.
  9. Specify, design and construct secure computer systems, using appropriate tools, and to document all stages of the process.
  10. Use professional skills to communicate with a wide range of audiences, select advanced techniques and tools, and to analyse data in the area independently and critically.


To be admitted to the M.Sc. Program in Cybersecurity, the applicant shall fulfill the following requirements:

    1. A Bachelor’s degree in a field within the Information Technology or related disciplines, (including Computer Science, Information Systems, Computer Engineering, and Information Technology) with a GPA of 2.67 out of 4.0 or above.
    2. English language proficiency: a minimum score of 5.5 in IELTS (or an equivalent TOEFL score).
    3. Two recommendations letters from two of his/her former professors.
    4. Attend and pass the entrance exam and personal interview.
    5. Any other requirements as stipulated by the University.