M.Sc. in Software Engineering

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The M.Sc. in software Engineering aims to prepare graduates for responsible leadership roles in technology-based and software-based workplaces. The program should be for IT professionals seeking to extend and update their knowledge on advanced Software Engineering principles. Advanced levels of theories, concepts, and techniques for all aspects of Software Engineering are offered by this program. This includes software requirements engineering, architecture design, validation and verification, project management, and other recent trends in engineering software.

Graduates of this program are expected to be highly qualified for prolific careers in the IT industry. Moreover, they shall gain the needed knowledge to be able to analyze, evaluate, and contribute in different emerging research areas in Software Engineering. The program should mold the students to become professionally enriched with communication, technical and innovative skills, while at the same time instilling in them an understanding of professional and ethical issues.

College of IT Booklet
College of IT Booklet
PDF, 1.8 MB , 42 Pages


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1. Acquire advanced cutting edge knowledge and leadership skills necessary to advance their careers in Software Engineering.
2. Engage in exploration, innovation, research, and life-long learning in the field of Software Engineering.
3. Contribute positively to society through responsible, professional, and ethical IT practice and research.


  1. An ability to apply the knowledge of computing and Software Engineering appropriate to the discipline.
  2. An ability to analyze challenging problems, and identify and define the computing requirements appropriate for their solutions that meet appropriate computing standards and realistic constraints.
  3. An ability to effectively identify and analyze user needs and take them into account in the selection, creation, evaluation and administration of computer-based systems.
  4. An ability to design, implement, test and evaluate a system, process, component, or program to meet desired needs using best practices and standards, within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, ethical, health and safety, etc.
  5.  An ability to function effectively in a team by assuming different roles and demonstrating effective leadership qualities and project management skills to accomplish a common goal towards a significant project.
  6. An ability to assess professional, ethical, legal, security and social issues and responsibilities.
  7. An Ability to communicate effectively both verbally and in writing with a range of audiences.
  8.  An ability to engage in continuing professional development and life-long learning.
  9. An ability to acquire, critically evaluate and apply a wide range of advanced and specialized techniques, skills and tools necessary for Software Engineering practice.
  10. An ability to conduct research, individually and in a team.


To be admitted to the M.Sc. Program in Software Engineering, the applicant shall fulfill the following requirements:
  1. The applicant must have a bachelor degree in Computing (computer science, computer engineering, information systems, information technology or any related title where IT study is a major) from the University of Bahrain or an equivalent degree from a recognized university with a GPA of at least (2.67) on a 4-point scale, or an equivalent grade according to other evaluation systems.
  2. The degree that a student holds should be achieved through a full-time study in a specialization that qualifies him/her to join the program.
  3. Students seeking admission to the program have to pass an entrance examination.
  4. The student must attend and pass a personal interview.
  5. The student must present two recommendations letters from his/her former professors/employers.
  6. The student must satisfy the English proficiency requirements of the University for Master Program admission. A score of at least 500 in TOEFL or 5.00 in IETLS (Academic) is required.
  7. Any other requirements as stipulated by the university rules.