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Dr. Ahmed Mohammed Zeki

Assistant Professor

Information System

Ahmed M. Zeki is an assistant professor at the Department of Information Systems, College of Information Technology, University of Bahrain (UOB).

He received MSc and PhD degrees in Computer Science from the National University of Malaysia, in 1999 and 2008 respectively. His fields of interest include artificial intelligence, machine learning, data mining, and IT ethics. He has 25 years of experience in teaching and conducting research.

He worked at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) from 1999-2010 and served as the head of department among other academic and administrative positions before joining UOB in 2010. He had several funded research projects at IIUM and UOB, and supervised many PhD, MSc, and senior students.

He published and presented around 100 research papers in international journals and conferences, received several awards, and had one patent jointly registered with others.
