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Dr. Aysha Mohamed Al-Sayed

Assistant Professor

Computer Engineering

Dr. Aysha Al-Sayed is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Engineering in the University of Bahrain. Dr. Al-Sayed completed her PhD degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from the University of Manchester in the United Kingdom, in 2016.

In 2011, Dr. Al-Sayed Pursued an M.Sc. degree in networks and wireless computing (with distinction) from the University of York in the United Kingdom. In 2009, she completed her B.Sc. degree in Computer Engineering with first class honors at the University of Bahrain.

Dr. Al-Sayed received a postgraduate certificate in academic practice (PCAP) from the University of Bahrain in 2017. She has been the chair of the Quality Assurance committee in the computer engineering department since 2018.

Dr. Al-Sayed is a Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy (HEA), a senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), a board member in IEEE ComSoc Bahrain chapter, and has served in many IEEE functions including the organizing committee in IEEE MENACOM 2019 as well as Track Chair (TPC) in Globecom’18. In 2019, she received the best paper award in the prestigious IEEE Wireless Communication and Networking Conference (IEEE WCNC 2019).

Her research focuses on 5G and beyond wireless and cellular networks, MAC layer design for wireless communication systems, green wireless networking, cloud computing, interference and radio resource management as well as machine learning in the MAC layer of communication networks. Her research work resulted in several publications in top IEEE transactions and conferences.
