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Dr. Fawzi Abdulaziz Albalooshi

Associate Professor

Computer Science

Ph.D. Software Engineering, University of Wales, U.K. Dr. FawziAlbalooshi is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the College of IT at the University of Bahrain.

He worked on a secondment basis for three years as a Senior Director in the Higher Education Review Unit in the National Authority for Qualifications and Quality Assurance of Education and Training. Dr Fawzi has years of academic and administrative experience in IT.

He has been the Acting Dean for the College of Applied Studies, Director of Business and IT programs for the College of Applied Studies, Director of Evening Programmes for the IT College, and Director of Evening Programmes in the College of Science. Dr Fawzi was a member (and chaired some) of many national, university, college, and department committees.

Dr. Fawzi has published many research articles in international journals and conferences. He has authored and edited books in the field of IT. Dr Fawzi Has earned his Ph.D. from the University of Wales in Software Engineering.
