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Dr. Haroun Abdulla Alryalat

Associate Professor

Information System

PhD in Information Systems from Brunel University, U.K in 2005

Dr. Alryalat completed his PhD in Information Systems from Brunel University, U.K in 2005. He received his MSc. Degree in E- Financial Market in 1996 and BSc. From Faculty of Economics & Administrative Sciences, University of Jordan in1992. His teaching and research interest in Management Information System, E-Business and Electronic Commerce, Knowledge Management, Customer Relationship Management, Financial Information Systems, IS Project Management, IT Strategy, Enterprise Resource Planning Systems and E-Marketing. Prior to join the University of Bahrain in 2018, He was a Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs at University of Fujairah, Dean of the College of Information Technology at Ajman University in United Arab Emirates, and Advisor to the President at Amman Arab University, Jordan. He has supervised 10+ successful PhD graduates and supervised 26+ MSc thesis. Dr. Alryalat has 50+ technical peer-reviewed papers in top quality journals and international conferences. Dr. Alryalat also has substantial industry experience having been a general Manager of Center for Banking and Financial Consultancy at the Arab Academy for Banking and Financial Sciences.
