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Dr. Abdulla Khalifa Aldoseri

Assistant Professor

Computer Science

Dr. Abdulla Aldoseri is an Assistant Professor at the University of Bahrain. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Birmingham, United Kingdom. His Ph.D. thesis focused on security analysis of multiple software and hardware components, titled ""Breaking Boundaries: Analysis of the Interfaces Between Applications, Systems, and Enclaves."". Dr. Aldoseri also holds a Master of Science degree in Advanced Computer Science from the University of Birmingham.

Dr. Aldoseri has a distinguished publication record, having presented his research at top international security conferences, including ASIA CCS 2023 and ESORICS 2022. He was awarded the Best Paper Award at the MadWeb Workshop 2022, co-hosted with NDSS 2022. Furthermore, Dr. Aldoseri has made significant contributions to the field of cybersecurity by identifying and reporting numerous security vulnerabilities affecting software used by major information technology companies, including Google, Samsung, Huawei, and Opera. These vulnerabilities have been assigned globally recognized CVE records.

Dr. Aldoseri's research focuses on penetration testing and real-world system vulnerability testing. His research interests encompass ethical hacking, symbolic protocol modeling, and mobile security. Prior to his academic career, Dr. Aldoseri worked as a System Analyst at the Ministry of Transportation. During this time, he focused on developing web-based systems, notably creating an application program interface (API) between the Integrated Government Platform (IGA) and Bahrain Post to facilitate the delivery of Bahrain National ID cards. Dr. Aldoseri also collaborated on projects with other government entities, including the development of the University of Bahrain mobile app (UOB app), Vege Market, and Bahrain Stats for the IGA.
